
Saturday 11 June 2011

 Silky Chicken with Luscious Noodle- Restoren T&T

Worth going >>>>> Definately!!!

By one look at this restaurant, one would not know they have such a great food inside. It’s a coffee shop with few stalls selling different kind of food.

When head to this restaurant, don’t miss their sliced chicken with kuey teow (RM3.50/ person). I have been a great fan of this food for many years. This coffee shop used to be a ‘makan’ place for the whole family before dad passed away, before the 3 angels moved to KL to study and of course before the 2 mischievous kiddos came to this world. Well, the qualities of the food never change so do the ambience there. The owner of the stall is a talkative guy who loves to talk loud. Talking loud does not mean he is rude but he just loves to talk this way :)

Back to the food served there… the chicken is the main actor for sure. Every time, he is so smooth and so silky- even the breast meat where normally it’s a bit tough are soft here. Yummy!!!! Added with uncle special made sauce and munificent amount of fried shallot and garlic made the chicken more appetizing. How come it’s so downy? According to uncle, after he steam the chicken, he placed it in cold water before chopping it to smaller pieces and serving. You try this formula and tell me if it works..... ;p

Smooth smooth Chicken with their special sauce.
The soup made for the noodle looks clear but tasty. It’s the soup made from steam chicken no wonder its so nice.
Look clear but taste great......
Some place I look forward to whenever I got back to Kuantan. A coffee shop has his hidden greatness!!! It cost RM3.50/person only. With the great amount of chicken and noodle served.... very worth!!!


Restoren T & T
Jalan Beserah
25250 Kuantan, Pahang
(along the main road after SABS school)

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