
Thursday 21 April 2011

Note of follow up by Suz.....

In contrast to Angel, I am people person without the cockiness appearanceJ. I may not be as talkative she is because I use my mouth to enjoy the food instead of talking :)

I always go around looking for good food to eat and hope I can share my view with people around the nation and world. I wish to see people enjoy their life with the delicious and scrumptious food that is made available in this planet. Good food need not be expensive… even a street stall can bring the best in the food. I always believe in this theory and you will be able to see a lot of street food review coming from me…. I am loooooking forward to tell you my experience in searching for food… be it good or bad food that I found along my way.

In search of food, I landed myself to a few countries and YIPEE!!!!! Perfecto!!!! It’s a eyes opening.

Let’s get more of what I have eaten and where I have been for the food in the coming entries…
Presenting myself........


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