
Monday 16 May 2011

Go Kart for Date.

It sounds so lame for a date at my ages but YES!!! I received a call from Cleo Malaysia last Friday informing me that I won a date with one of their bachelor (sorry girls!!!). Wow! I was laughing in and out when they told me of my winning. Well, I join the contest out for fun and lady luck decide to back me. A date with a bachelor. Sounds interesting!

At that time my mind has these line..... "Gosh!!! A date??? Hmmmmm...." Good thing is I can bring a friend which I decide to ring up my baby sis and asked if she is interested to join me. An arranged date sounds so old school for me. Luckily is not some candle light dinner or dance for the date, if it is I will sure pass…. Oh! This ‘dating’ is at go-kart circuit. Funny enough but since its some game that I never tried before so let’s go and kick some butts!!!
The 2 winners and my baby sis :)
Jol, Lin and me!

Saturday morning arrived and me and Jol went to Sunway Extreme Park separately. Thank you to Cleo staffs namely Eileen, Ayu and a pretty girl which I forgotten her name but I remember her sweet look (I admit…. I am bad at name) for their patience of waiting for me and my sis and giving us the direction to get there. Not forgetting the flowers that they arrange for us. Sweet!

It started off with the introduction to my ‘date ‘ CLEO You:nique bachelor- Hi, KW! Nice meeting you. And the rules for game- GO KART!!!!
Picture time.
(L) KW, Me, Jol, Josiah, Lin
The briefing start..... Red means stop!!! he says.... DUH~ :)

The game was indeed a fun and exciting one. Jol had her 1st driving experience with bunch of trial and error with some banging. I love to see her having so much excitement with the game so do I. I love the driving experience on go-kart especially the last part where we are allowed to drive with a more powerful engine.

So much fun for the date. It’s not about how lovey dovey the day caught up but more of together kind of fun. Sincerely thank you Cleo for such an opportunity for me on the game and the ‘date’. The 2 guys are great. Gentleman and chatty. 

Photo session before parting.
(L) KW, Lin, Me, Jol, Josiah, Pretty, Eileen, Ayu

Definitely will head there again for another racing game and this time I will do my drifting. Watch out guys.


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